Welcome to your community’s supply chain! We encourage you to interact with our models to uncover valuable insights into our local food supply chain. This page serves as a guide, providing a comprehensive understanding of the models, and how to use it.
Approving your organization will take up to 24 hrs, and you will receive an email with login credentials once complete. After logging in, you can begin adding supply chain connections.
1. Visit circularinsights.ca/food
2. Select your region
3. Click on “Add Organization”
4. Enter Company/Organization
Keep in mind, this will also be your username. Simply enter the name without a tagline or motto. Save this for the description.
5. Enter Category
Hold ‘ctrl’ to select multiple options
6. Enter Region
If you aren’t sure of your region, consult the “Region Maps”
7. Enter Remaining Details
8. Click “Add”
Your organization will be approved within 24 hrs
1. Log in to your account
Once you receive your credentials, click ‘Login’ from any page, or enter the URL: circularinsights.ca/login.
2. Navigate to the food models
From this page, the main menu, or enter “circularinsights.ca/food” into the address bar
3. Click “Enter Data“
4. Enter the supply chain link information